Sunday, March 27, 2011

LORECast #8 Eru Illuvatar and the Ainur

Hi all

As I am still getting into the new content I wasn't ready to do a full blown LOTROCast, but I didn't want to go another week without posting an episode.  I've been wanting to do a series of LORECasts on the Children of Illuvatar and it seemed like Illuvatar and the Ainur were a good starting point.

I hope you enjoy the show.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Episode 41 - Awaiting the Gaunt Lords


FTC is investigating F2P

Legendary Items Dev Diary

Instance Cluster Dev Diary

Raid:  Ost Dunhoth

Crafting Dev Diary

Soloification Dev Diary

Updated Embedded Podcast Player
(Upper right corner)

Heart of the Show:  The Gaunt Lords

Not Cannon, but consistent with the lore

Thadur the Ravager (Representing Famine, in Great Barrows soon to be in North Cotton Farms by Oatbarton)
Drugoth the Death-mange (Representing Death, in the Dragonwing of Helegrod soon to be in Glacier Fortress (Forochel)
Ivar the Bloodhand (Representing War, in Garth Agarwen Barrows soon to be in Stonehights (North Downs))
Ferndur the Virulent (Representing Pestilience, in Imlad Bacharth (Angmar) soon to be in Lost Temple (Troll Shows)
Gortheron the Doom-caller (Representing Evil, in the Lhe Calvarn (Enedwaith) soon to be in Ost Dunhoth)

Listener Feedback

Map of Enedwaith - The Haunted Castle is in the south west

Ost Dunhoth (?)

The Vorpal Bunny

Another look at this deadly creature

Hope you enjoy the show!